Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Are you the Answer?

I'm not even sure where to begin with this post. I have so many thoughts running through my mind.

I guess I will start with that my doctor came in to my hospital room yesterday and said that there was a younger guy (I don't know his name so lets call him Tim) that was just diagnosed with PH and was going to be on the medicine that I am on (the one I am switching off of). He asked if I was willing to talk to this guy about when I was diagnosed and how my life has changed for the better? I said, "heck yeah!"

So I said all of this because I read Devotional on Upper Room asking, Are you the Answer? The person that wrote the devotional talked about the possibility that each of us might be the answer to someone's prayer, each day in many ways. I started to think about Tim. Why am I here at the same time he is? I mean, I'm not saying I am going to totally change the way he is feeling about being diagnosed with this disease that can be life threatening, but I can try! I may or may not be the answer to someone's prayer for him but I know that I would have loved to have someone talk to me about everything when I was first diagnosed. I keep asking God to give me the right words to say to him. I can't wait to meet him today if he is still up for it! I will let you know how it goes!

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